By definition, a man’s chest is flat or shaped by pectoral muscles. By decreasing levels of testosterone or increasing levels of estrogen, male breasts can become pronounce or even grow in excess. This condition, known as gynecomastia can be stopped by hormone treatments, but bloated or “puffy” breasts look can be corrected by specific plastic surgery.
Breast enlargement in males can also be an unpleasant consequence of obesity. By increasing excessive weight gain, even without any hormonal deficiencies, excessive adipose tissue develops shaping the unsightly area.
Gynecomastia surgical procedures may involve liposuction to suck excess fat or resection of skin or glandular tissue to restore a harmonious shape of the chest area.
Such an intervention is recommended after removing the causes hormonal or restore a healthy lifestyle. Gynecomastia is a relatively simple surgical procedure for patient, recovery is quick, with the ability to resume normal activities in a few days, less those involving excessive effort.